He has already visited 190 countries and speaks a total of eight languages. A native Dane, he now lives in Italy, has a Brazilian wife and four children who are growing up at least trilingual. “Multiculturalism” is something very important to him in all areas of life. And he has spent the last 20 years or more travelling the globe for Krones. “Dad” is just one of his many nicknames. “In Africa, for instance, I’m the ‘babu’, which means something like granddad. In Asia I’m the golden monkey – I’ve even been considered a holy person. He emphasises, though, that his nicknames are always meant appreciatively. “In that regard my age and appearance are often helpful, I think. Everyone is very respectful towards me.”
An accident that led to Krones
Just because Gösta is no longer in his early 20s doesn’t mean that he has any less of the lust for adventure that comes with his job. “Often you go to a site and it's not at all like what you had expected. Every day there’s something new that you can’t prepare for. You have to be spontaneous and enjoy solving problems,” Gösta explains. At the same time, he is involved in the entire process, from planning all the way to the work on the ground: “I’m normally the first person on and last person off the site.” He reckons that it is especially his relaxed nature that helps him in the job. “I’m a very calm sort of person, for some perhaps even too calm. My sister always says that when she talks to me on the phone, she nearly falls asleep,” he laughs. In all the bustle of the site, though, this relaxed style probably isn’t a hindrance. “I’m often sent there as a problem-solver. We’ll then look at the situation calmly, and usually things move forward again. So I’m not just ‘the old guy’, I’m also ‘the quiet one’,” he says with a smile.