Starting from scratch all over again. Leaning something new. One or two of us will certainly have asked ourselves the question: “What if I had continued with my training, or learned a different trade?” For some employees, that thought is now becoming reality. That’s because Krones is for the second time offering an in-house retraining programme in industrial electrical engineering that both permanent and temporary workers can take. The requirements are a completed apprenticeship – a recognised foreign vocational qualification will also be accepted, by the way – as well as an eagerness to learn and a desire to try something new. And this for good reason.
Krones offers an in-house retraining programme enabling its employees to embark on an apprenticeship as an industrial electrician.
Challenge? Accepted!
“I have to admit, it’s not easy,” says Daniel Arevalo-Moreira, who is going through the current retraining course. He had previously worked as a painter in the Nittenau plant. “But you wouldn’t expect any different if you have to compress a two-year apprenticeship into 16 to 18 months without making any compromises on quality.” He himself considers the retraining an investment in his future. That’s not the only reason, though, why he and his colleagues are getting involved in the scheme. Some of them are realising their dream of training for the trade of their choice, while others talk of improving their future prospects and perhaps becoming service engineers. Still others are retraining on health grounds. There are many reasons, then, for going back to school and doing another apprenticeship.

The tip: learn, learn, learn!
How does it feel to have to go back to such theory-intensive learning after such a long time in hands-on working life? “I sometimes get the feeling I don't have enough memory space,” replies one of the retraining participants, unleashing a wave of laughter across the room, with many nodding their heads in agreement. “There’s certainly a lot to do,” agrees Daniel Arevalo-Moreira, “but if you really stick with it, anyone can do it.”
If you really stick with it, anyone can do it.
Daniel Arevalo-MoreiraParticipant in the retraining programme
“It goes without saying that the retraining also makes perfect sense for Krones, because we are training our own workers, whom we know already. Each of our employees has their own particular story, and we want to give them the best possible support in all life situations,” explains trainer Michael Gregor. A resounding success, then, for all sides!